
Melodic jazz.

Chords, not dischords.


Small big-band sound.

Original compositions.

About the author

Tim Lowe is a self-taught musician who plays guitar, saxophone, piano and anything else he can lay his hands on.

He's been in several different bands playing rock, pop, soul, and jazz, ranging from solo performances to a 7-piece band. Notably he was a founder member of the trad jazz band 'The Sugarfoot Stompers' which evolved into 'Just Jazz', with a more varied repertoire that strayed into pop and rock, as well as traditional and more modern melodic jazz standards.

His current project is composing, arranging and recording music for his soundclick webpage.
This blog is really an extension of that site.

About my music

My style of music is mainly swing jazz. Unless otherwise stated, it's all original music, composed, arranged and performed by me. Like all music that you've not heard before, it should grow on you the more you listen to it.

A lot of it is developed, played and recorded on a PC (as a lot of composers do), using virtual instruments.
These instruments use samples, or computer generated sounds to mimic real instruments.
These are computer generated sounds, but this is not computer generated music.
The sounds are the equivalent of an artist's tubes of paint. Each note is carefully selected, mixed and painted into the composition.

There are some recordings using only real instruments, some using only virtual ones, and some tunes that use a mixture of both. My aim is to make it make the music sound as realistic as possible, so you don't notice the difference.

About the band

The line-up consists of a mixture of traditional big-band instruments
Typically drums, bass, guitar and piano at the back, trumpets, saxophones, clarinet and trombones at the front.
You may find occasional other instruments, such as a vibraphone, on some tunes.
Brushes are favoured on the drums for several tracks, many of which have that skippy swing-time rhythm which puts swingjazza firmly in the swing jazz category.

About Soundclick

What follows sounds like an advert, but it's just my way of telling you about soundclick, because I think its a great site for musicians and music lovers.

Visit soundclick and you'll find lots of streaming music that you can listen to for free on your PC (over 4 million tunes) by thousands of signed and unsigned bands.
You can find music by genre and sub-genre, view the charts for each of these,  or search by artist of song name.

It costs nothing and is great place to find new original music composed and performed by enthusiasts from all over the world who do it for the love of music. It's a musicians music site, not swamped by big name artists,  heavy selling or intrusive adverts.

If you like it, you can join up for free, with or without your own band page, create your own 'radio stations' of favourite tunes, become friends with, or fans of bands, upload tunes, photos and videos etc.

As with any free site like this there's a wide variety in the quality and styles of music. In amongst it all there are some very talented musicians and composers. Why not have a look around and listen for yourself.